More Bad News From Israel

Автор(-ы): Mike Berry, Greg Philo

Тип обложки: Мягкая обложка

Количество страниц: 488

EAN: 9780745329789

ISBN: 9780745329789

Изготовитель: ЗАО "КНИЖНЫЙ КЛУБ 36.6" 107078, РФ, г. Москва, ул. Бакунинская, д. 71, строение 10, этаж 8

Импортер: ООО "БиблиоБай", 220113, г.Минск, ул.Мележа, 1

Обычная цена: 17,10 руб

Special Price 13,80 руб

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Building on rigorous research by the world-renowned Glasgow University Media Group, More Bad News From Israel examines media coverage of the current conflict in the Middle East and the impact it has on public opinion. The book brings together senior journalists and ordinary viewers to examine how audiences understand the news and how their views are shaped by media reporting. In the largest study ever undertaken in this area, the authors focus on television news. They illustrate major differences in the way Israelis and Palestinians are represented, including how casualties are shown and the presentation of the motives and rationales of both sides. They combine this with extensive audience research involving hundreds of participants from the USA, Britain and Germany. It shows extraordinary differences in levels of knowledge and understanding, especially amongst young people from these countries.Covering recent developments, including the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, this authoritative and up-to-date study will be an invaluable tool for journalists, activists and students and researchers of media studies.

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